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L-Ornithine HCL


*We offer a discount program for Urea Cycle Disorder patients.  All you need to do is contact us at 1-800-538-4545 and supply us with your doctor's recommendation with dosing information.  Discounts are applied to Urea Cycle products only.  Urea Cycle Disorder discount orders may be placed via phone, fax, email or online (discount applied once you set up an account).

L-Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid. It is manufactured in the body utilizing L-Arginine which is an important precursor needed to manufacture Citrulline, Proline and Glutamic Acid. L-Ornithine is one of the growth hormone releasers used to increase lean muscle mass while decreasing body fat. Another important function of L-Ornithine is its use in detoxifying cells from harmful ammonia buildup.

L-Ornithine powder is water soluble and weighs about 2.4 grams per level measuring teaspoon. The taste is tangy-sweet. Capsules may contain less than 1% magnesium stearate, an inert ingredient used in the encapsulation process.

The information stated here is not complete and should not be considered a recommendation. Please consult a qualified physician or nutritionist before beginning amino acid supplementation.

*The following information, as well as all statements and products on this website, have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

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